Growth Hacking Pinterest Traffic with Imagifyr

“Pinterest Marketers don’t really care much about the creative as much as they care about the SEO and the keywords because Pinterest is a search engine,” says Alex Kopytov.
I writhed in my seat and let out a big sigh in my head as he said that.
“I already had an MVP out that generated images and pinned it for me! I thought that’s what people wanted!” I thought as I agonized over what I heard.
You know that old saying?
Always speak to customers first and figure out what they really need, what their points were – yeah, I skipped that lesson.
After the call, I did what anybody else would’ve done – I scrapped everything and pivoted.
Morgan Housel author of “Psychology of Money” referenced that Daniel Kahneman, author of “Thinking, Fast and Slow” had a concept – the concept that there are no sunk costs, which allows him to pivot when needed.
Evening of January 26, 2024
I went back to the drawing board and started an MVP on the pain points mentioned on the call.
There will be 3 features.
First, we will let users create a “Pinterest Brand”, it will let the user create a brand for themselves or their clients and given a site, it will use ChatGPT to scrape the site and come up with the brand voice, profile description, and keywords for the brand.
January 31, 2024
The PROBLEM with Pinterest pins is that you need to be the king of writing titles and descriptions that are SEO optimized with the keywords you’re targeting.
The issue is that most of us don’t have time to be creative, to do the research, and to write accurate, optimized descriptions and titles for our pins – which is why most fail on Pinterest.
But what if Imagifyr did all that for you and you just copy and pasted that content onto the pins you’re posting?
Evening of February 12, 2024
The LAST PROBLEM, Pinterest boards.
This is something I learned on the call.
That the pros used each board to target their keywords, and all the pins within that board would have titles and descriptions that reinforced the keywords targeted on that board.
The creative was secondary, it was re-used across boards targeting different keywords.
This was the gold nugget.
And Imagifyr does that all for us in 3-4 button clicks, let me show you the whole thing:
Pretty cool, eh?
Why don’t people do more Pinterest?
I don’t know.
It might be because SEO and Keyword research isn’t sexy.
Or it might be that people think Pinterest is social media when it’s really a search engine.
Whatever the reason, there’s not a lot of competition over there right now, but there are 482M active users on there.

Will you take advantage of that for yourself, or will you let your competitors do it for themselves?
One thing’s for sure, Imagifyr can help give you an edge on Pinterest against your competitors while saving both time and money.